Terra Brown | Walnut Notte
Terra Brown / Walnut Notte
The Noble Kitchen resonates with subdued night tones. With natural lightness, profiled Line doors and corner glass cabinets correspond here harmoniously. The characteristic features include the interplay of smooth surfaces and the delicate texture of the Piano profile, with gently illuminated relief of the back panels of the cabinets and partitions.

Moderní design a inovativní prvky
The latest kitchen unit, filled with exciting features! This kitchen combines modern design with innovative elements that will simplify your everyday culinary adventures. From smart storage solutions to intuitive controls, this kitchen is designed to enhance your cooking journey. From intelligent storage solutions to intuitive controls, this kitchen is designed to enhance your everyday culinary experiences.
Jemná hra struktur a světla
Jedinečnou atmosféru kuchyně umocňuje střídání hladkých ploch s jemnou strukturou profilu Piano. Reliéf zadních panelů vitrín a zástěn je nasvícený LED osvětlením, které podtrhuje jejich jemnost a zároveň přidává praktický světelný efekt. Lak Terra Brown Evermat spolu s dřevinou Ořech Notte dodávají prostoru hloubku a noblesu.